Keeping your corporation in good standing

To make sure that your corporation continues to benefit from incorporation under your jurisdiction of incorporation business corporation act, you need to fulfill certain requirements with your jurisdiction of incorporation corporate registry office. Depending on the type of requirement, you need to file annually or when circumstances change. Namely, you must: Filing an annual return: […]

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What are ByLaws of the Corporation

Bylaws The bylaws of a corporation are its second-most important document. You do not file bylaws with the jurisdiction of incorporation registries office—they are an internal document that contains rules for holding corporate meetings and other formalities according to provincial corporate laws. Bylaws typically specify the frequency of regular meetings of directors and shareholders and […]

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What are articles of incorporation

The first key organizing document all small business corporations must have is their articles of incorporation. A corporation comes into existence when its articles of incorporation are filed with the jurisdiction of incorporation corporate registries office. The articles normally contain fundamental structural information, such as the name of the corporation, names, and addresses of its […]

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Organize Your Saskatchewan Corporation Corporate Records

Saskatchewan Corporate Minute Books. Anyone who sets up a new corporation in Saskatchewan needs to be able to quickly locate key organizational documents. Because these are really the constitution of your corporation, you’ll refer to them again and again. When using this book to produce corporate minute and consent forms,we will often refer you to […]

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Organize Your Nova Scotia Corporation Corporate Records

Nova Scotia Corporate Minute Books. Anyone who sets up a new corporation in Nova Scotia needs to be able to quickly locate key organizational documents. Because these are really the constitution of your corporation, you’ll refer to them again and again. When using this book to produce corporate minute and consent forms,we will often refer […]

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Organize Your Newfoundland Corporation Corporate Records

Newfoundland Corporate Minute Books. Anyone who sets up a new corporation in Newfoundland needs to be able to quickly locate key organizational documents. Because these are really the constitution of your corporation, you’ll refer to them again and again. When using this book to produce corporate minute and consent forms,we will often refer you to […]

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